Jonas Klausen er mildest talt frustreret over, at Bwin beskylder ham for svindel og har konfiskeret hans førstepræmie fra forrige søndags Big Deal.
Jonas har forfattet denne meddelelse til Bwin:
"Official statement from Jonas Klausen regarding the seizure of his funds from BWIN
I am the account holder of Tulkaz33 on BWIN.
This is the only account I played January 18th 2009 in Ongames Big Deal Tournament.
Another account named TulkazZzz (Eurobet) played the same tournament from the same hotel that I stayed at. The tulkazZzz account does not belong to me. The similarities in nickname on the account are because my good friend Alexander KP is the account holder. I take the "copy" of my nickname as a compliment. HOWEVER this is the only connection between the 2 accounts.
Alex and I stayed at the same hotel in Paris- we both played the BIG DEAL tournament. We were never in the same room at the hotel during the tournament.
There is nothing odd in 2 Danish players playing the same tournament from the same hotel. A lot of Danish players play the European tournaments and of course we use same hotel. So do the Swedes, Norwegians etc. It is very common to live together with your countrymen when you travel the European Circuit or during WSOP.
There is nothing odd in having a similar nickname (Mike123, MikeG, Mikethemighty etc.).
There is nothing odd in Tulkaz33 and TulkazZzz playing in the same tournaments. BWIN and their fraud team SHOULD have checked this, as it has happened on several occasions before. On those occasions I have played from my home in Odense and Alex from his home in Århus (or wherever he was). The Fraud team should have checked that there has NEVER before been any IP relationship between these accounts.
BWIN and the Ongame fraud team could have investigated this and contacted me to get an explanation. Instead they decided to judge me and take my winnings without any questions asked.
Their statement:
"bwin noticed suspicious behaviour during the "Big Deal" poker tournament, which was also reported by several of the participating players. Upon investigation of this incident, it was found that player Jonas Klausen had played against himself in the tournament with 2 accounts."
This is not a true statement. The only suspicious behavior is that me and Alexander (and a lot of Danish poker players) stayed at the same hotel and played in the same tournament. There is no evidence of me playing both accounts. BWIN would easily be able to see, that the 2 accounts have no history of playing together except for their bigger tournaments.
The hotel in Paris will of course be able to confirm that both I and Alex stayed there in separate rooms. Both our names will be found in the records from Aviation Club where we played in the European Poker Reward Tournaments.
I am 100% innocent in the accusations and allegations against me. The trial that was held internally by BWIN and Ongame reached a wrong conclusion. Their investigations failed when they decided not to ask or hear out the player involved in the case."
Acemag har her til aften snakket med Bwins presseofficer, og han har foreløbigt lovet at forsøge at skaffe os beviser for Jonas Klausens skyld iform af handhistories fra turneringen..
![Jonas skriver åbent brev til Bwin](/images/old_pics/news/newspic/skrive.jpg)
Jonas skriver åbent brev til Bwin